Once Upon a Time in a Forest

A cinematic film about radical young people who are defending one of the last coniferous forest areas in Europe. It is also an unusual love story of a younger generation whose object of love is the Finnish forest. The three main protagonists come face to face with a deeply rooted national ideology of the forest as a foundation for the nation's economic well-being. The documentary follows the charismatic young environmentalists for over a year as they take part in the new dynamic Forest Movement. (Finnish Film Foundation)

Director's Filmography (Selection)
Once Upon a Time in a Forest (2024, doc) - Aalto (2020, doc; CE21) - Yrittäjä (Entrepreneur, 2018, doc; CE18) - Eedenistä pohjoiseen (Garden Lovers, 2014, doc; CE15)
- Hilton! - Täällä Ollaan Elämä (Hilton! - Here for Life, 2013, doc; CE14) - Auf Wiedersehen Finnland (2010, doc) - Pitkin tietä pieni lapsi (Along the Road Little Child, 2005, doc, with Susanna Helke; CE06) - Joutilaat (The Idle Ones, 2001, doc, with Susanna Helke; CE04, CE06). In 2006, Crossing Europe dedicated a Tribute to Susanna Helke & Virpi Suutari.
Competition Documentary 2024
Virpi Suutari
Finland 2024
93 minutes
Finnish / English
OV with English subtitles
Screenplay Virpi Suutari
Cinematography Teemu Liakka, Jani Kumpulainen
Editing Jussi Rautaniemi
Sound/Sounddesign Olli Huhtanen
Music Sanna Salmenkallio
With Ida Korhonen, Minka Virtanen, Otto Snellman, Ville Murmann, Otso Piitulainen, Anja Pääkönen, Tauno Kornonen, Leena Korhonen
Producer(s) Virpi Suutari, Martti Suosalo
Euphoria Film
World Sales
Austrian Premiere
World Premiere
CPH:DOX 2024