Old Rose

An old woman. Two young women. On a bench. In the forest. With them an old box with sweet cakes… What happens when old and young meet on a bench and the longing for what one cannot have becomes immeasurable? Old Rose moves between two worlds, but in both there is only one thing that matters…

Director's Biography
LAURA NÖBAUER, geb. 1982 in Linz. Studierte MultiMediaArt an der FH Salzburg. Arbeitet als freie Film- und Kunstschaffende.

Filme (Auswahl): Glück (2006; CE '07), The Light (gem. mit Christine Schörkhuber, 2009; CE '10) ANGELA ROTTENSTEINER, Musikerin, Performerin und Regisseurin. 2010 Gründung der Performancegruppe Rosidant.
Local Artists 2011
Laura Nöbauer, Angela Rottensteiner
Austria 2011
7 minutes
without dialogue