

A father and his son spend a whole day in the woods. They fish, talk, check the status of their relation. In the answers of his son the adult perceives an autonomy of thought and a lucidity of analysis that surprises and saddens him. The kid has reacted to the separation of his parents by getting closer to the mother, with whom he lives. But inside of him, he harbours the sorrow of the father’s absence. Maybe the tears will succeed in diluting the painful remembrances and sealing this important moment of reunion, the implicit attempt of shortening the distance, making up the misunderstandings, regaining the lost time.

Director's Biography
Vlado Škafar, Filmemacher, Drehbuchautor, Mitbegründer und Programmdirektor (1993-99) der Slowenischen Cinemathek. Gründer von Zavod Otok/The Island, ein Institut zur Entwicklung der Filmkultur, das auch das jährliche Filmfestival Kino Otok – Isola Cinema veranstaltet. Seine Dokumentarfilme feierten auf internationalen Filmfestivals, wie Rotterdam und Marseille, Weltpremiere.

Filme (Auswahl): Stari most (1998, KF), Peterka - Leto odločitve (Peterka: Year of Decision, 2003, Dok, CE 2004), Pod njihovo kožo (Under their S.K.I.N., 2006, Dok; CE 2006), Otroci (2008, Dok), Nočni pogovori z Mojco (2009, Dok), Oča (Dad, 2010)
Competition Fiction 2011
Vlado Škafar
Slovenia 2010
71 minutes
OV with English subtitles
Screenplay Vlado Škafar
Cinematography Marko Brdar
Editing Vlado Škafar
Sound/Sounddesign Julij Zornik
With Miki Roš, Sandi Šalamon, Arbeiter der Mura Fabrik
Gustav Film Stegne 7 1000 Ljubljana Slowenien T +386 590 31 995 F +386 590 31 996 info@gustavfilm.si www.gustavfilm.si