Notes On Mackey
Negative space codes flashing in iterations generate the afterimage of a phantasmic interior, corresponding to an overview of multiple spaces of the Mackey Penthouse (R. Schindler, 1939). The flickering transcript of the space corresponds with traces of sound from “Gone with the Wind” and “Mutterliebe” (1939).
Director's Biography
Klaus Pamminger, geb. 1967 in Ebensee, ist freischaffender Künstler und Color Grader. // Filme (Auswahl): SHINE OFF ME (2010), OUTSIDE IN (2011), MACKEY VS. FILM (2013; CE ’14), NOTES ON MACKEY (2015 / CE 15 Award - Local Artist Drehort Tabakfabrik)
2015: CROSSING EUROPE Award – Local Artist Drehort Tabakfabrik
Local Artists 2015
Klaus Pamminger
Austria 2015
4 minutes
without dialogue