
The 93-year-old painter Tatjana Gamerith is slowly losing her sight. The way she draws lines is intuitive now and more from the practiced hand than through seeing, because she can no longer concentrate her gaze on a point. Gazes become points of touching, when the camera captures the painter’s gestures.

Director's Biography
Christiana Perschon, geb. 1978 in Baden bei Wien, Studium an der Akademie der Bildenden Künste Wien. // Filme (Auswahl): IM BLAU (2001/2011), YOU'RE WITHIN I'M WITHOUT (2012), BILDRAND (transmemory #1) (2012), INNEN/TAG (2013), NOEMA (2014)
Local Artists 2015
Christiana Perschon
Austria 2014
29 minutes
OV with English subtitles