
Matchmaking Mayor

Slowly but surely, the Slovak village of Zemplínske Hámre is dying out. But its mayor, a retired general, refuses to give up. In fighting the thirty-year-olds‘ solitude he has used a variety of weapons such as offering a financial incentive for every newborn child or encouraging childbearing via the local PA system. None of it has worked. However, the mayor has a new plan. He decides to organize an evening get-together for singles from all the neighboring villages. Will our heroes find their partners after all?

Director's Biography
Erika Hníková, geb. 1976 in Prag. Sie studierte Dokumentarfilmregie an der tschechischen Filmhochschule FAMU in Prag. 2004 schloss sie ihr Studium mit dem abendfüllenden Dokumentarfilm Ženy pro měny ab. Nesvatbov ist ihr dritter langer Dokumentarfilm.

Filme (Auswahl): Naše třída (Our Class, 2001, KF), Ženy pro měny (The Beauty Exchange, 2004; CE 2004), Den E (E Day, gem. mit Vít Janeček und Ivana Milošević, 2004), Sejdeme se v Eurocampu (I Guess We’ll Meet At The Eurocamp, 2005), Landův lektvar lásky (Landa’s Elixir of Love, 2009), Nesvatbov (Matchmaking Mayor, 2010)
European Panorama Documentary 2011
Erika Hníková
Czech Republic / Slovakia 2010
72 minutes
OV with English subtitles
Screenplay Erika Hníková
Cinematography Jiří Strnad
Editing Janka Vlčková
Sound/Sounddesign Petr Šoltys
With Jozef Gajdoš, Dana Paseková, Monika Maxová, Jančo Ogurčák, Ďoďo Barna
Endorfilm Primeticka 4 140 00 Prag 4 Tschechische Republik T & F +420 241 730 780 M +420 602 358 373