Naked Into the Water - Call Me Astronaut

In the darkness of the night, full of doubt and uncertainty and blinded by headlights, a person struggles forward into the water.

Director's Biography
Reinhard Zach (*1982, Wels) learned to make films in Linz and Finland. He has been doing camera work in the professional sector since 2001. Music and producing sounds is other important part of his life.
Director's Filmography (Selection)
Naked Into The Water - Call Me Astronaut (2020) - Garden Cress Growing (2019) - Unter der Hand (2018) - Am eigenen Leibe - Die Experimente des Dr. Zasch (2018; CE'19)
Local Artists 2021
Reinhard Zach
Austria 2020
4 minutes
Music Video
Screenplay Reinhard Zach
Cinematography Reinhard Zach
Editing Reinhard Zach
Music Call Me Astronaut
Producer(s) Reinhard Zach