Műanyag égbolt
White Plastic Sky
In the near future, there are no more animals or plants on Earth and the remaining humans are living under a plastic dome. The price for their continuing survival is very high: at the age of 50, they are implanted with a special seed that turns them into a tree which will provide oxygen and food for the community. A young man, Stefan, accepts this system – until the day his wife Nóra decides to give up her life and undergo voluntary implantation. Driven by his love for her, Stefan decides to break the rules of society in order to save her. Animation duo Tibor Bánóczki and Sarolta Szabó created a deeply moving eco-fantasy that deals head-on with the climate apocalypse threatening life on Earth using rotoscoping techniques. (Berlinale)
Director's Filmography (Selection)
Műanyag égbolt (White Plastic Sky, 2023) - Leftover (2014, short) - Les conquérants (2011, short) - Milk Teeth (2007, short, Bánóczki) - Holtágban (Dead Water, 2001, short, Bánóczki)
Műanyag égbolt (White Plastic Sky, 2023) - Leftover (2014, short) - Les conquérants (2011, short) - Milk Teeth (2007, short, Bánóczki) - Holtágban (Dead Water, 2001, short, Bánóczki)
European Panorama Fiction 2023
Tibor Bánóczki, Sarolta Szabó
Hungary / Slovakia 2023
111 minutes
Hungarian OV with English subtitles
Screenplay Tibor Bánóczki, Sarolta Szabó
Cinematography Tibor Bánóczki, Sarolta Szabó
Editing Judit Czakó
Sound/Sounddesign Stefan Smith
Music Christopher White
With Tamás Keresztes, Zsófia Szamosi, Géza Hegedűs D., Judit Schell, István Znamenák, Zsolt Nagy
Producer(s) József Fülöp, Orsolya Sipos, Juraj Krasnohorsky, Viktória Petrányi
Salto Films, Artichoke, Proton Cinema
World Sales
Films Boutique
Austrian Premiere
World Premiere
Berlinale 2023