Miss Magnetiq: Die Stahlstadt als elektromagnetisches Feld

Something has gone wrong. A super heroine equipped with magnetic super powers has destroyed half the city of Linz: “I’m really sorry. In future I’ll keep myself stronger under control, so that something like this doesn’t happen again. I love Linz, but living in the middle of so much steel is just really tough.”

Director's Biography
qujOchÖ ist mannigfaltig, heterogen, untaggable und gänzlich undiszipliniert. // Filme (Auswahl): DOBUSCHIDO – DER FILM (2009), TRANSITION EXCLUSIVE (2010), OUR LIFE IS INTERSTELLAR (2012/2013), MISS MAGNETIQ: DIE STAHLSTADT ALS ELEKTROMAGNETISCHES FELD (2014)
Local Artists 2015
Austria 2014
15 minutes