After giving birth to a stillborn child, Robin’s breasts begin to produce milk. Unable to throw it away, Robin takes the unusual decision to donate the milk. But finding someone to donate it to proves more difficult than expected, and the milk starts to clutter her freezer, her relationship, and her life. With a clinical, realist-inspired treatment of her subject matter, Stefanie Kolk tackles a novel subject in cinema: the mourning of a stillborn child. The donation of milk proves to be a fascinating way of watching her heroine escape from suffering. (Lux Film Fest)
Director's Filmography (Selection)
Melk (Milk, 2023) - Eyes on the Road (2019, short) - Harbour (2017, short) - Clan (2016, short) - Handen (2015, short)
Melk (Milk, 2023) - Eyes on the Road (2019, short) - Harbour (2017, short) - Clan (2016, short) - Handen (2015, short)
2024: CROSSING EUROPE Award - Best Fiction Film
Competition Fiction 2024
Stefanie Kolk
Netherlands 2023
96 minutes
Dutch OV with English subtitles
Screenplay Stefanie Kolk, Nena van Driel
Cinematography Emo Weemhoff
Editing Maarten Ernest
Sound/Sounddesign Jacob Oostra
Music Alexander Reumers
With Frieda Barnhard, Aleksej Ovsiannikov, Ruth Sahertian, Jules Elting, Murat Toker, Arnoud Bos
Producer(s) Erik Glijnis, Leontine Petit, Marina Blok
Lemming Film, NTR
World Sales
Bendita Film Sales
Austrian Premiere
World Premiere
Venice International Film Festival 2023