Mein Fell – Schapka feat. Kerosin95

Not just the hips start moving here. The feeling of sunscreen on the skin and the smell of fresh greasy fries mixes and we "shake our fur on the beach".

Director's Biography
Marie Louise Lehner (*1995) studied at the University of Applied Arts Vienna and Film Academy Vienna. She lives and works in Vienna and Linz. Parallel to her prize-winning work as an author and filmmaker, she is also a member of the feminist punk band Schapka.
Director's Filmography (Selection)
Mein Fell – Schapka feat. Kerosin95 (2022) - Mein Hosenschlitz ist offen. Wie mein Herz. (The zip of my pants is open. Like my heart., 2022; CE'22) - Geh Vau (Sexual Intercourse, 2018; CE'19) - Squirten – Schapka (2017; CE'18) - Don't Fck With The Diva* (2017, with Amber Jenner, Liesa Kovacs; CE'18) - Kaugummizigaretten (2016; CE'17, CROSSING EUROPE Award - Local Artist 2017)
Local Artists 2023
Marie Luise Lehner
Austria 2022
4 minutes
Music Video
Screenplay Marie Luise Lehner
Cinematography Manon Pichnon
Editing Marie Luise Lehner
Sound/Sounddesign Schapka
Music Schapka
Producer(s) Marie Luise Lehner
World Premiere
Queertactics Filmfestival Wien 2022