Mama Celia

An intimate portrait of a strong, contradictory and charismatic female figure between worlds. Celia Shiguango lives independently as a woman, quichua, healer and midwife in the rainforest of Ecuador, often running into her limits in a world, in which a narrow village world with few perspectives, social tensions and discrepancies between traditionalism and modern life open up in the midst of the green woods. The documentary was created in a close relationship of trust and is strongly based on Celia’s own ideas of a filmic self-portrayal.

Director's Biography
Christina Schmid, geboren 1982 in Lörrach, Deutschland, ist ausgebildete Hebamme und hat zahlreiche Auslandsaufenthalte absolviert. Christine Schörkhuber, geboren 1982 in Steyr, lebt und arbeitet als Installationskünstlerin, Musikerin und Videomacherin in Wien. MAMA CELIA (2015) ist ihr erstes gemeinsames Filmprojekt.
Local Artists 2015
Christina Schmid
Austria / Ecuador 2015
28 minutes
OV with English subtitles
Cinematography Christine Schörkhuber
Editing Verena Mayrhofer
Sound/Sounddesign Reinhard Reisenzahn
Music Celia Shiguango
Producer(s) Christina Schmid