Life has never pampered Mallory, and after the birth of her son she tries with all her might to kick her drug habit and stay off the street. As is usually the case, the helping hand that succeeded in leading her away from life’s dark corners came from an entirely unexpected source. But even after Mallory’s partial victory the fight isn’t yet over. The deep wound self-inflicted by drugs continues to fester: her difficult social situation, upheavals in her personal relationships, and frustrating confrontations with the authorities often cast her back down to the bottom. (Martin Horyna, Karlovy Vary International Film Festival)
Director's Biography
Helena Třeštíková, born 1949 in Prague, Czech Republic. She studied documentary filmmaking at the Prague Film Academy and, since graduating in 1974, has been working as a professional filmmaker, shooting more than thirty documentaries of various lengths. Her films have been the subject of retrospectives at several major festivals. // Films (selected): DOTEK SVĚTLA (Touch of Light, 1980, doc), MARCELA (2007, doc), RENÉ (2008, doc; CE '09), SOUKROMÝ VESMÍR (Private Universe, 2012, doc; CE '13), VOJTA LAVIČKA: NAHORU A DOLŮ (Vojta Lavička: Ups and Downs, 2013, doc), MALLORY (2015), LÍDA BAAROVÁ - ZKÁZA KRÁSOU / LÍDA BAAROVÁ – DOOMED BEAUTY (2016)
Tribute · Eröffnungsfilme | Opening Films 2016
Helena Třeštíková
Czech Republic 2015
101 minutes
OV with English subtitles
Screenplay Helena Třeštíková
Cinematography Miroslav Souček, Vlastimil Hamerník, Robert Novák, David Cysař, Jiří Chod, Jakub Hejna
Editing Jakub Hejna
Sound/Sounddesign Richard Müller, Jan Gogola, Michael Třeštík
Music Tadeáš Vìrèák
Producer(s) Kateřina Černá, Pavel Strnad (Negativ Film, CZ), Helena Uldrichová, Ivana Pauerová (Česká televize, CZ)
Negativ Film Ostrovní 30 110 00 Prague, Czech Republic /
Weltpremiere / World Premiere
Karlovy Vary International Film Festival 2015
Premierenstatus / Premiere Status
Austrian Premiere
Karlovy Vary International Film Festival 2015
Premierenstatus / Premiere Status
Austrian Premiere