Linz / Martinskirche

Linz / St. Martin's Church

The brief moments that take place “in passing”, which we cannot really grasp but which still form the essence of our being, are the leitmotif of the film. An attempt to reach the interior of a church indicates the difficulties of human beings in “experiencing” the moment and their insecurity about their own desires and wishes. (Paul Plöchl)

Director's Biography
Edith Stauber, geb. 1968, Studium an der Kunstuni Linz. // Filme (Auswahl): ÜBER EINE STRASSE (2004), EINTRITT ZUM PARADIES UM 3€20 (2008; CE'08), NACHBEHANDLUNG (2012; CE '12), LINZ / MARTINSKIRCHE (2014)
Local Artists 2014
Edith Stauber
Austria 2014
3 minutes
without dialogue
World Sales
Austrian Rights