Les Arrivants
The Arrivals
Caroline and Colette are social workers. All day long, they meet families who are seeking asylum in France to assist them with the process. Every day there are new arrivals, from the four corners of the world, by charter plane or by covered truck. How can they deal with the overwhelming flood tide of all this distress, of all these needs? Caroline is young, impulsive and irascible. Colette, older, is compassionate and disorganized. Opposite them, the “arrivals”, exhausted, wounded but obstinate – exasperating at times, moving at others. The film relates this tense and explosive confrontation in which each defends his or her own role.
Director's Biography
Claudine Bories begann als Theaterschauspielerin, und übernahm 1990-2002 für Périphérie in Montreuil die Produktion und Distribution von Dokumentarfilmen. Seit 1976 realisiert sie eigene Dokumentar- und Spielfilme. Filme (Auswahl): La fille du magicien (1989), L‘enfant du parking (1995, KF), Les arrivants (2009, Dok) Patrice Chagnard, Gründer des Filmclubs in Grenoble, ging 1965 zum Philosophie-Studium an die Sorbonne nach Paris, wo auch sein erster Kurzfilm entstand. Seit 1977 macht er Dokumentarfilme. Filme (Auswahl): Le convoi (1999, Dok), Dans un camion rouge (2005, Dok), Les arrivants (2009, Dok)
European Panorama Documentary 2010
Claudine Bories
France 2009
111 minutes
OV with English subtitles
Screenplay Claudine Bories, Patrice Chagnard
Cinematography Patrice Chagnard
Editing Stéphanie Goldschmidt
Music Pierre Carrasco, Ali Farka Touré
Les Films d’Ici 62, boulevard Davout 75020 Paris Frankreich T +33 1 44 52 23 23 F +33 1 44 52 23 24 www.lesfilmsdici.fr