L'enfant d'en haut
A luxury ski resort in Switzerland. 12-year-old Simon lives in the industrial valley below, with his jobless sister. Every day he takes the ski lift to the opulent ski world above, stealing equipment from the rich tourists to resell to the local kids back down. As he partners with a crooked British seasonal worker, Simon loses his boundaries, which affects the relationship with his sister. Confronted with a truth they had both been escaping, Simon seeks refuge up above. SISTER won the Special Award Silver Bear at the Berlinale in 2012 and was shortlisted for the Foreign Language Oscar in 2013.
Director's Biography
URSULA MEIER, born 1971 in Besançon, France, studied at the Institut des Arts de Diffusion in Belgium. Her graduation film LE SONGE D'ISAAC (Isaac’s Dream, 1994, short) was nominated for a short film Oscar in 1994. HOME premiered at Cannes 2008 and received the Swiss Film Prize Quartz “Best Fiction Film” 2009. The Crossing Europe Film Festival also dedicated a Tribute to her in 2009. // Films (selected): AUTOUR DE PINGET (About Pinget, 2000, doc; CE '09), DES ÉPAULES SOLIDES (Strong Shoulders, 2002; CE '09), HOME (2008; CE '09), L’ENFANT D'EN HAUT (Sister, 2012)
European Panorama Fiction · Eröffnungsfilme | Opening Films 2013
Ursula Meier
Switzerland / France 2012
97 minutes
OV with English subtitles / OV with German subtitles
Screenplay Antoine Jaccoud, Ursula Meier
Cinematography Agnès Godard
Editing Nelly Quettier
Sound/Sounddesign Henri Maïkoff
Music John Parish
With Léa Seydoux, Kacey Mottet Klein, Martin Compston, Gillian Anderson, Jean- François Stévenin, Yann Trégouët
Vega Film Helenastrasse 3 Postfach CH -8034 Zurich Switzerland T +41 44 384 80 90 info@vegafilm.com www.vegafilm.com Verleih in Österreich / Austrian Distribution Thimfilm GmbH Leitermayergasse 43/4 1180 Vienna / Austria T +43 1 236 21 90 buero@thimfilm.at www.thimfilm.at