Le dernier coup de marteau
The Last Hammer Blow
When he first enters the Montpellier Opera House, Victor knows nothing about music. Nor does he know his father, Samuel Rovinski, who is there to conduct Mahler’s 6th symphony. To change the course of his suddenly uncertain future, for Nadia his mother, for Luna whom he has fallen in love with, Victor has decided to step out of the shadows. He’ll go as far as he needs to. Here, the music replaces words. The feelings are expressed and the characters communicate. By letting his son discover music, Samuel gives what he can’t express with words.
Director's Biography
Alix Delaporte, born in 1969, is a French filmmaker and scriptwriter. Delaporte worked as a TV reporter and studied Screenwriting at La Fémis. ANGÈLE ET TONY, her first feature, was shown in more than 20 countries. Delaporte’s current film, THE LAST HAMMER BLOW, premiered at the Venice International Film Festival. // Films (selection): LE PIÈGE (The Trap, 2003, short), COMMENT ON FREINE DANS UNE DESCENTE (How You Brake Going Down Hill, 2005, short), ANGÈLE ET TONY (2010), LE DERNIER COUP DE MARTEAU (The Last Hammer Blow, 2014)
European Panorama 2015
Alix Delaporte
France 2014
83 minutes
OV with English subtitles
Screenplay Alix Delaporte, Alain Le Henry
Cinematography Claire Mathon
Editing Louise Decelle
Sound/Sounddesign Pierre Tucat, Arnaud Rolland, Eric Tisserand
Music Evgueni Galperine, Sacha Galperine
With Romain Paul, Clotilde Hesme, Grégory Gadebois, Candela Peña, Farida Rahouadj, Farid Bendali, Tristán Ulloa, Mireia Vilapuig, Víctor Sánchez
Producer(s) Hélène Cases (Lionceau Films)
Lionceau Films 14 rue Charles Delescluze 75011 Paris France contact@lionceaufilms.com www.lionceaufilms.com