This is a character-driven, tragic comedy. It is about the clash of two misfits: Zana, an innocent young woman who collapsed and was taken to psychiatry because of the lies and betrayal within her family, and the cruel and violent prisoner Janko, who paradoxically inspires new confidence in her. When Janko starts to renovate Zana‘s home, it means a ‚renovation‘ of Zana‘s soul, too. At each point of the story the house shows the inner state Zana is in. (Sergej Stanojkovski)
2006: ray Publikumspreis
Competition Fiction 2006
Sergej Stanojkovski
North Macedonia / Germany 2005
95 minutes
OV with English subtitles
Screenplay Gordan Mihi, Sergej Stanojkovski
Cinematography Tomislay Pinter
Editing Andrea Pugner
Music Peer Raben, Michael Bauer
With Nikola Kojo, Labina Mitevska, Petar Mircevski, Vesna Petrushevska, Gjuner Ismael, Ferus Mustafus
busse & halberschmidt filmproduction Kurze Strasse 2 40213 Düsseldorf Deutschland T +49 211 862 85 98 F +49 211 862 85 95 info@bussehalberschmidt.de www.bussehalberschmidt.de