In the second half of the 1990s, The Wire magazine coined such a controversial term: post-rock. The concept was used to define the music of some bands with styles that didn’t fit in any of the other genres predetermined by industry and market. Introspective explores the reasons behind some of those bands, their words and live shows, creating a portrait of underground or indie music as an emotional allegory of our global societies.
Director's Biography
Aram Garriga, geboren 1979 in Barcelona. Studium der Audivisuellen Kommunikation und Forschungsstipendium an der Universität Barcelona. Abschluss mit dem preisgekrönten Kurzfilm The King is Dead (2001, KF). Seit 2001 arbeitet Garriga im Bereich Schnitt, als Drehbuchautor und Filmemacher. Er realisierte zahlreiche Musik- und Imagevideos. 2005 gründete er die Produktionsfirma theVisualSuspects. Filme (Auswahl): The King is Dead (2001, KF), 150 Anniversary of Barcelona Mounted Police (2006, KF), Echolalia (2007, KF)
European Panorama 2009
Aram Garriga
Spain 2007
70 minutes
Screenplay Aram Garriga
Cinematography Tony García, Rafa de los Arcos, Andrés Bujardón, Xavier Satorra, Àlex Lora, Javier G. Lerín, Dani Garcia, Aram Garriga
Editing Aram Garriga, Benet Román
Music Piano Magic, Embryo, To Rococo Rot, Tortoise, Radian, Mouse on Mars, Matt Elliott, Hood, The Durutti Column, Mogwai
With Zlaya Hadzich, Thurston Moore, Lee Ranaldo, J Spaceman, Ira Kaplan, Jeff Tweedy, Noel Gallagher, Dominique A, Matt Elliott, Malcom Middleton, Christian Burchard, Stuart Braithwaite, Jan St. Werner, Dodo Nkishi, Chris Adams, Richard Adams, Martin Brandlmayr, Stefan Németh
Produzent Aram Garriga theVisualSuspects Cardener 28-30, SA2 08024 Barcelona Spanien T +34 679 389 687