Imaging Machine
The starting material for Imaging Machine comes from scenes from American entertainment films, in which people touch tenderly, violently or incidentally. The touched bodies and the backgrounds are removed image by image, only the hands are left and positioned on a black background.
Director's Biography
KARIN FISSLTHALER, geb. 1981 in Oberndorf. Studium Experimentelle Gestaltung an der Kunstuniversität Linz. Seit 2003 Musikerin unter dem Namen Cherry Sunkist.
Filme (Auswahl): Age Delay (nuit) (2004), Berlin Documents (2004 mit Bern Oppl), Tesafilm (2004), I don‘t know who you are (2006; CE 2007), The Sound of ... (Past Perfect) (2007; CE 2008)
Filme (Auswahl): Age Delay (nuit) (2004), Berlin Documents (2004 mit Bern Oppl), Tesafilm (2004), I don‘t know who you are (2006; CE 2007), The Sound of ... (Past Perfect) (2007; CE 2008)
Local Artists 2009
Karin Fisslthaler
Austria 2008
5 minutes