Hundsprozesse Zi. 102-128
In an abandoned former city office building of the City of Cologne, a court has settled in. No one is able to assess its purpose and area of responsibility. The employees carry out all kinds of functions and are subjected to a strict hierarchical order. HUNDSPROZESSE ZI. 102-128 navigates you through a segment of this performance installation by SIGNA.
Director's Biography
Erich Goldmann, geb. 1968 in Freistadt, u. Arthur Köstler, geb. 1972 in Gmunden, arbeiten seit 2005 zusammen mit Signa Köstler an der filmischen Interpretation der Performance-Installationen von SIGNA. // Gem. Filme (Auswahl): THE DORINE CHAIKIN INSTITUTE (2007; CE '08), GERMANIA SONG (2009; CE '10), SALO (2011), HUNDSPROZESSE ZI. 102-128 (2011)
Local Artists 2012
Erich Goldmann, Arthur Köstler, Signa Köstler
Austria / Germany 2011
9 minutes
without dialogue