Hubert von Goisern - Brenna tuat’s schon lang

For a quarter of a century, Hubert von Goisern has been performing on the stages of Europe. As a renewer of folk music, as a nay-sayer, as someone who refuses to be pigeon-holed. Hubert von Goisern is his own red thread. With his profound and critical texts, he is heard in the middle of society. His hits have achieved cult status – in his home country of Austria as well as throughout the entire German-speaking region. His personal and artistic development between the high points of his career, on the other hand, is largely unknown: What was Hubert von Goisern actually doing between his major successes – “Koa Hiatamadl” and “Brenna tuat’s gut”?

Director's Biography
Marcus H. Rosenmüller wurde 1973 in Tegernsee, Deutschland geboren. Von 1995 bis 2003 studierte er an der Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film München. Als selbstständiger Regisseur konnte Rosenmüller bereits mehr als zehn Kinofilme realisieren. // Filme (Auswahl): WER FRÜHER STIRBT IST LÄNGER TOT (2006), BESTE GEGEND (2007), DIE PERLMUTTERFARBE (2008), SOMMER IN ORANGE (2010), SOMMER DER GAUKLER (2011), WER'S GLAUBT WIRD SELIG (2012), SINGSPIEL AUF DEM NOCKHERBERG (2013), BESTE CHANCE (2014), HUBERT VON GOISERN – BRENNA TUAT'S SCHON LANG (2015, doc)
Local Artists 2015
Marcus H. Rosenmüller
Austria / Germany 2015
95 minutes
OV with English subtitles
Screenplay Marcus H. Rosenmüller
Cinematography Johannes Kaltenhauser
Editing Petra Hinterberger
Sound/Sounddesign Tom Leitl, Christoph Burgstaller
With Hubert von Goisern, BAP, Karandila, Konstantin Wecker, Loredana Groza, Mohamed Mounir, Xavier Naidoo, Willi Resetarits, Zdob-Si-Zdub
Producer(s) Kurt Langbein (Langbein & Partner Media), Hage Hein (DE) Koproduktion / Co-Production Blanko Musik (DE)
Rechte für Österreich / Austrian Rights Langbein & Partner Media Spittelberggasse 3/13 1070 Wien T +43 1 535 36 96 F +43 1 535 36 96 9 Booking & Billing Constantin Filmverleih Siebensterngasse 37 1070 Vienna Austria T +43 1 521 28 1224 F +43 1 521 28 1163