Heit geh i alla ham - Hinterland
Selfies, boozing and brawling. The lyrics brimming over with macho clichés are countered in the accompanying video by an overdose of snotty girl power. And what can come out when Hinterland-Rap shows itself from its feminine side is nothing even Linz has ever seen before. Make way for the queens of the night!
Director's Biography
Luzi Katamay, geb. 1982, und Christian Dietl, geb. 1984, studierten an der Kunstuni Linz. // Gem. Filme (Auswahl): PATTY – ALEX THE FLIPPER (2014; CE ’14), HEIT GEH I ALLA HAM (2014; CE ’15), DAS BESTE IST NOCH NICHT VORBEI (2014)
Local Artists 2015
Luzi Katamay, Christian Dietl (Las Gafas)
Austria 2014
4 minutes