
Céline is a novice in a convent and, in the opinion of the Mother Superior, she is too fanatical in her faith. Céline sees herself as the bride of Christ, and to get closer to her lover - just like the well known Hadewijch in 13th century Flanders - she starves herself. The order decides to throw her out. Outside the convent, Céline comes into contact with young Nassir, with whom she leaves for the Middle East in order to sacrifice herself in an extreme act of faith to her God. Just as in his previous films, French director Bruno Dumont shows that people are not far from barbarians, this time in the context of religion. Dumont‘s Hadewijch is not interested in a specific conflict or a specific religion, but in the psychology of fanaticism. Won the prize of the international critics at the Toronto Film Festival. (International Film Festival Rotterdam)

Director's Biography
Bruno Dumont, geboren 1958 in Bailleul, Frankreich. Inszenierte von 1986 an diverse Industrie- und Werbefilme. 1994 schrieb er Drehbücher für die Fernsehdokumentarserie Arthur et les Fusées. Nach zwei Kurzfilmen realisierte Dumont The Life of Jesus (1997), seinen ersten Spielfilm, dem inklusive Hadewijch (2009) weitere vier folgten.

Filme (Auswahl): Paris (1993, KF), Marie et Freddy (Marie and Freddy, 1994, KF), La vie de Jésus (The Life of Jesus, 1997), L‘humanité (Humanity, 1999), Twentynine Palms (2003; CE 2004), Flandres (Flanders, 2006; CE 2007), Hadewijch (2009)
European Panorama Fiction 2010
Bruno Dumont
France / Germany 2009
105 minutes
OV with English subtitles
Screenplay Bruno Dumont
Cinematography Yves Cape
Editing Guy Lecorne
With Julie Sokolowski, Yassine Salime, David Dewaele, Karl Sarafidis
3B Productions 10, passage des Taillandiers 75011 Paris Frankreich T +33 1 4313 1060 F +33 1 4313 1066 contact@3b-productions.com www.3b-productions.com