Ha Bricha 3G

The Escape

Our collective memory knows how “Holocaust movies” look like, and how they should make us feel. We remember all the speeches, ceremonies, walks for life, aerial displays, songs ... a well-designed, pre-defined memory of the holocaust surrounds us from all directions. Nevertheless, HA BRICHA 3G isn't exactly about the Holocaust; alternatively, the film depicts what is normally omitted from the pages of history – the interim period separating the Holocaust and the establishment of Israel, a time during which an unusual event took place – “Ha Bricha (The Escape)”. Eight teenagers from different backgrounds set out on a personal and fascinating adventure which follows the “Bricha Movement”. (Tal Barda)

Director's Biography
MENI ELIAS filmt, produziert und führt seit 1992 vorwiegend für Dokumentarfilme Regie, sowohl für das israelische als auch das internationale Fernsehen, etwa für National Geographic oder BBC. Meni Elias' Filme wurden auf diversen internationalen Festivals gezeigt und gewannen zahlreiche Preise. // Filme (Auswahl): WHEN ISRAEL WENT OUT (2010, doc), FAT COWS LEAN COWS (2011, doc), HA BRICHA 3G (The Escape, 2013, doc)
Local Artists 2013
Meni Elias
Austria / Israel / Italy 2013
70 minutes
OV with English subtitles
Cinematography Meni Elias
Editing Tor Ben Mayor
Sound/Sounddesign Haim Meir
Music Kobi Vitman
Tapuz Communications for the Association of “Ofot Ha-Chol” (The “Phoenixes”) Aminadav Street 3 93549 Jerusalem Israel T +972 2 673 45 87 tapuzltd@netvision.net.il __________________ Making of Ha Bricha 3G Regie / Director Tal Barda Digital / color / 12min