The outcome of wishes, fears/apprehensions are often expectations. Expectations to third parties, not to yourself. Parallel universes develop from multiple options. Based on these thoughts I created the word “Fremdoptionen”, which is the title of the film.
Director's Biography
Katharina Mayrhofer, geb. 1983 in Linz, ist Medienkünstlerin/-designerin. Studium an der FH Salzburg. Seit 2006 im VJ-Kollektiv Taxon. Hält Seminare und Workshops an Universitäten und auf Medienfestivals.
Filme (Auswahl): Grau sehen (2004), eumig (2006), anecken (2007), visual reverb (2010), Fremdoptionen (2010)
Filme (Auswahl): Grau sehen (2004), eumig (2006), anecken (2007), visual reverb (2010), Fremdoptionen (2010)
Local Artists 2011
Katharina Mayrhofer
Austria 2010
5 minutes
without dialogue