Forms In Relation to Life – die Wiener Werkbundsiedlung
Forms In Relation to Life – The Vienna Werkbundsiedlung
In the 1920s, the Werkbund architectural association stood for a new kind of functional design, sober and unadorned, but meeting residential needs. The individual was to be the guiding criterion for the structure, resulting in a relationship between form and living consistently identical to space and need. Heidrun Holzfeind realizes a form of architectural measurement that is expressed through the biographies of the inhabitants residing in the settlement. In this way, the film ultimately delivers forms positioned in relation to life. (Lena Stölzl)
Director's Biography
Heidrun Holzfeind, born in 1972, is an Austrian filmmaker, visual artist, and curator. She studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna and at Cooper Union in New York. Her works have been shown and awarded at international venues. In 2012, Heidrun Holzfeind was the OK artist-in-residence in Linz. // Films (selection): ZA ŻELAZNA BRAMĄ (Behind the Iron Gate, 2009, doc; CE '12), COLONNADE PARK (2011, doc; CE '12), FORMS IN RELATION TO LIFE – DIE WIENER WERKBUNDSIEDLUNG (Forms In Relation to Life – The Vienna Werkbundsiedlung, 2014, doc)
Architektur und Gesellschaft | Architecture and Society 2015
Heidrun Holzfeind
Austria 2014
60 minutes
OV with English subtitles
Screenplay Heidrun Holzfeind
Cinematography Heidrun Holzfeind, Ruth Kaaserer
With Elisabeth Gaisser, Angelika Grasmuck, Raimund Heinz, Margot Hruby, Anatol Hruby, Ivana Jäger, Fabian Jäger, Vanessa Jäger, Susanne Kompast, Elfriede Mislik, Helga Mislik, Brigitte Perner, Walter Raschbach, Ferun Mayer, Miex Mayer, Rosali Michalka, Miles Mungin, Pablo Brudermann, Maja Dertschei, Kuba Holzfeind, Lino Horak, Luca Horak, Vita Horak