EVDEKI SES - 22m² Österreich
When the first so-called guest workers came to Austria from Turkey over forty years ago, their wives and families gradually followed. Three women, representative for many, speak out in this film, talking quite bluntly about the ups and downs of their arrival in Upper Austria and the following – often extremely hard – years that followed. They talk about arranged marriages, partnership, and family life marked by inadequate language abilities, isolation, and working life. They all wanted to stay only a few years in Austria. Yet in the end they stayed – usually for the sake of the children who grew up between the cultures.
Director's Biography
Ufuk Serbest, geboren 1979 in Linz, hat ein besonderes Interesse, gesellschaftliche Spannungsfelder künstlerisch darzustellen. Hierbei greift er vornehmlich auf Mittel der bildenden Kunst und der neuen Medien zurück. Zusammen mit Oona Valarie Schager bildet Serbest das Kollektiv „Peligro“. // Filme (Auswahl): RECLAIM THE COLORS (Ko-Regie Oona Valarie Schager, 2005, short), URBAN BEAUTYFICATION (2006, Ko-Regie Oona Valarie Schager, short), VON HEXEN UND VERRÜCKTEN KÜHEN (2011, Ko-Regie Oona Valarie Schager, doc; CE '12), EVDEKI SES – 22 m² ÖSTERREICH (2015, doc / CE 15 Social Awareness Award – Local Artist / Special Mention)
2015: CROSSING EUROPE Social Awareness Award – Local Artist
Local Artists · Eröffnungsfilme | Opening Films 2015
Ufuk Serbest
Austria 2015
62 minutes
OV with German subtitles
Screenplay Ufuk Serbest, Oona Valarie Schager
Cinematography Martin Music, Ufuk Serbest
Editing Ufuk Serbest
Music Turkay Nisanci, Felix Schager
With Saduman Serbest, Fatma Gök, Esma Serbest
Kulturverein Peligro Domgasse 14 4020 Linz office@peligro.at www.peligro.at