Es muss was geben

If cities were judged by their underground, Linz would be a metropolis. Since the seventies, the music scene of the steel city has been unique in its spirit of innovation and its non-conformity. The documentary Es muss was geben portrays the emergence and development of the scene over nearly three decades. From Willi Warma to Texta, from Attwenger to Fuckhead, from punk to hip hop, from New Volksmusik to industrial, Linz proves to be a melting pot for the most diverse musical styles. A portrait of a city on the move, where not only the blast furnaces are hot.

Director's Biography
Oliver Stangl, geboren 1978 in Linz, ist Filmemacher, Journalist und Puppenspieler, lebt in Wien.
Christian Tod, geboren 1977 in Linz, ist Filmemacher, Volkswirt und Musiker, lebt in Wien.

Gemeinsame Filme (Auswahl): Autopilot (2006, Musikvideo), Fatsy (2007, Dok; CE 2007, Lobende Erwähnung der Local Artists Jury)
Local Artists · Eröffnungsfilme | Opening Films 2010
Oliver Stangl, Christian Tod
Austria 2010
104 minutes
Screenplay Gregor Centner, Oliver Stangl, Christian Tod
Cinematography Gregor Centner
Editing Oliver Stangl, Christian Tod
Music Fuckhead, Willi Warma, Die Mollies, The Rats, In-Seit, Feuerlöscher, Target of Demand, Stand To Fall, Seven Sioux, Texta, Urfahrer Durchbruch u.a.
With Ada Atzmüller, Heli Bacher, Markus Binder, Didi Bruckmayr, Peter Donke, Wolfgang Dorninger, Andi Ehrenberger, Hans-Peter Falkner, Hilmar Gamper, Thomas Baua Hauer, Harry Hurtig, Gabi Kepplinger, Manfred Klahre, Rainer Krispel, Andreas Kump, Wolfgang Lehner, Bernhard Praschl, Hans Priesner, Thomas Prömer, Huckey Renner, Günter Schachinger, Herbert Schager, Manfred Ratzi Spieldiener, Peter Trebo, Marc Vojka und vielen anderen
Christian Tod Streffleurgasse 4/21 1200 Wien T +43 699 1714 0641