El cielo sube
Heaven Rises
During the Summer of 1957 a man named Juan de Dios is convalescing in a country hotel. His doctor has prescribed total rest: ”not a movement, not a thought.“ Stretched out on a lounge chair, Juan de Dios ”sinks into boredom, like the victim of a shipwreck sinks in the sea“. But this kind of discipline seems impossible right from the start. He is overwhelmed by a myriad of physical, aural, visual and olfactory sensations that keep his mind alert. After three hours of this kind of ”holiday“ he announces his departure at the hotel desk.
Tribute 2007
Marc Recha
Spain 1991
black & white
70 minutes
OV with English subtitles
Screenplay Joaquín Ojeda, Marc Recha nach der Erzählung „Oceanografía del tedio“ von Eugenio d‘Ors
Cinematography Miguel Llorens
Editing Joaquín Ojeda
Music Miquel Jordan
With Salvador Dolc, Corinne Alba, Ona Planas
Nofilms SA (erloschen)