Dunkler Lippenstift macht seriöser

Anne and Silke are young, well educated, and looking for a job. One with a degree in business administration, the other a fashion designer (both in their late twenties), in the course of the film by Katrin Rothe they „coach“ themselves into becoming „perfect candidates“: What is the optimal way to present myself? Rothe‘s „Docu-Soap“ describes an inherently miserable situation with a healthy portion of absurd humor and a formal trick, originally intended for the „protection of the protagonists“: the job interviews are depicted with cartoon sequences.

Arbeitswelten | Working Worlds 2004
Rothe Kathrin
Germany 2003
58 minutes
German version
Screenplay Katrin Rothe
Cinematography Katrin Rothe, Silvia Beck
Editing Anja Neraal
Unique Filmproduktion Erkelenzdamm 59, Portal 1 D-10999 Berlin T +49 30 69041302