Du riechst gut
You smell good
Just when a couple decides to finalize the end of their marriage, unexpected new feelings arise.
Director's Biography
Reza Rasouli, born in 1989 in Mashhad, Iran, is a director and screenwriter. He moved to Austria in 2019, lives in Linz and studies at Film Academy Vienna. Director's Filmography (Selection)
Du riechst gut (You smell good, 2021) - Ankommen (Arriving, 2020; CE'21) - Colchicum (2017) - Being a Woman (2016) - Kill Story (2014)
Du riechst gut (You smell good, 2021) - Ankommen (Arriving, 2020; CE'21) - Colchicum (2017) - Being a Woman (2016) - Kill Story (2014)
Local Artists 2022
Reza Rasouli
Austria 2021
12 minutes
German OV
Screenplay Reza Rasouli
Cinematography Jasmin Schwendinger
Editing Reza Rasouli
Sound/Sounddesign Jonas Steinacker, Ramin Abousedgh
With Swintha Gersthofer, Robert Ritter
Producer(s) Stefanie Rasouli, Damla Ilhan
World Premiere