Dropping Furniture
What remains when nothing more remains and life is literally turned upside down? The film is meant to symbolize the loss of existence.
Director's Biography
HARALD HUND (geboren 1967 in Grieskirchen, lebt in Wien und Grieskirchen) und PAUL HORN (geboren 1966 in Amstetten, lebt in Wien) arbeiten seit mehreren Jahren im Bereich Video und Film zusammen. Dabei ergänzen sich ihre Interessen und Betätigungsfelder, was ungewöhnliche Herangehensweisen an das Medium Film betrifft.
HARALD HUND (born in Grieskirchen in 1967, lives in Vienna and Grieskirchen) and PAUL HORN (born in Amstetten in 1966, lives in Vienna) have been working together for several years in the field of video and film. Their interests and activities complement each other, in terms of unusual approaches to the medium of film.
HARALD HUND (born in Grieskirchen in 1967, lives in Vienna and Grieskirchen) and PAUL HORN (born in Amstetten in 1966, lives in Vienna) have been working together for several years in the field of video and film. Their interests and activities complement each other, in terms of unusual approaches to the medium of film.
2009: CROSSING EUROPE Award – Local Artist
OK Artist in Residence 2011
Harald Hund, Paul Horn
Austria 2008
6 minutes
without dialogue