Driving Élodie

Young set runner Tim is allowed to drive French independent star Élodie Bouchez to the airport after she is wrapped. The melancholic atmosphere of their travel through the night, the mood of the radio songs and their isolated companionship create an unexpected intimacy, and for a moment everything seems possible.

Director's Biography
Lars Henning, geboren 1976 in Hamburg. Postgraduiertenstudium an der Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln seit 2006.

Filme (Auswahl): Bettzeit (Kamera, Schnitt, Regie, 1996, KF), Anam (Drehbuch, 2000/01), Bungalow (Regie-Assistenz, 2001/02), Kleine Freiheit (Regie-Assistenz, 2002/03), En Garde (Regie-Assistenz, 2003/04), Koslowski (Drehbuch, Regie, 2004, KF), Security (Drehbuch, Produktion, Regie, 2006, KF)
European Panorama Fiction 2010
Lars Henning
Germany 2009
18 minutes
OV with English subtitles
Screenplay Lars Henning
Cinematography Carol Burandt von Kameke
Christian Vennefrohne