Double Happiness
DOUBLE HAPPINESS is a filmic journey to China, where a clone of the Upper Austrian town of Hallstatt has been realized as a real estate project. The film tells of the copy planned in secret and of its discovery, of the motivation and the background for the construction of the fairy-tale-like replica in a region with a population of millions as a consequence of globalization. In Chinese, DOUBLE HAPPINESS stands for marrying and the associated happiness for both sides. The duplicated happiness unfolds in parallel worlds of original and copy, real life and fiction, dream and reality.
Director's Biography
Ella Raidel, 1970 in Gmunden geboren, studierte an der Kunstuniverstität Linz und lebt derzeit in Österreich und Taipei. Sie ist Videokünstlerin und Filmschaffende, und zeigt ihre Arbeiten bei internationalen Ausstellungen, Video- und Filmfestivals. Ihre Ph.D.-Thesis „Subversive Identitäten – Tsai Ming-Liang und seine Filme“ wurde 2011 beim Schüren Verlag veröffentlicht. // Filme (Auswahl): SLAM VIDEO MAPUTO (2009; CE '10), SUBVERSES – CHINA IN MOZAMBIQUE (2011; CE '11), CINEMA ISN'T I SEE, IT'S I FLY (2013; CE '13) DOUBLE HAPPINESS (2014, doc)
Local Artists · Eröffnungsfilme | Opening Films 2014
Ella Raidel
Austria / China 2014
70 minutes
OV with English subtitles
Screenplay Ella Raidel
Cinematography Martin Putz, Ella Raidel
Editing Karina Ressler
Sound/Sounddesign Wong Ka Ho, Matthias Kassmannhuber, Marco Zinz
Music Rudi Fischerlehner
With Yaqi Cang, Monika Wenger, Hotel Grüner Baum Hallstatt, Wu Wenyuan, Apecland Design, Shenzhen, Ma Yansong, MAD Architects, Beijing
Ella Raidel Bürgerspitalgasse 29/1 1060 Wien