Dolgaya schastlivaya zhizn
A Long and Happy Life
Sascha lives in a village in northern Russia and dedicatedly manages what is left of an old collective farm. One day he is faced with a dilemma: the district’s self-seeking administrators offer him a lucrative deal for the farm. Sascha wants to take this chance for leaving the country life behind and moving to the city. But the farmers get him to change his mind. After that decission everything changes and Sascha is suddenly alone. Director Boris Khlebnikov develops a story from rural Russia into an existential human drama.
Director's Biography
BORIS KHLEBNIKOV, born 1972 in Moscow, Russia. He studied film theory at the All-Russian State University of Cinematography. Khlebnikov's second collaboration with Popogrebski, ROADS TO KOKTEBEL, won several international awards. In 2010 Crossing Europe dedicated a Tribute to Koktebel Film Company, including Boris Khlebnikov. A LONG AND HAPPY LIFE competed at the Berlinale in 2013. // Films (selected): KOKTEBEL (Roads to Koktebel, 2003; CE '10, co-director), SUMASSHEDSHAYA POMOSHCH (Help Gone Mad, 2008; CE '10), DOLGAYA SCHASTLIVAYA ZHIZN (A Long and Happy Life, 2013)
European Panorama Fiction 2013
Boris Khlebnikov
Russia 2013
77 minutes
OV with English subtitles
Screenplay Alexander Rodionov, Boris Khlebnikov
Cinematography Pavel Kostomarov
Editing Ivan Lebedev
Sound/Sounddesign Maxim Belovolov
With Alexander Yatsenko, Anna Kotova, Vladimir Korobeinikov, Sergey Nasedkin, Eugene Sitiy
Koktebel Film Company Chuksin Tupik 5-36 127206 Moscow Russia T +7 926 562 6477 F +7 495 984 2098