Die Beschaffenheit eines Astes
In a rush of text and images the film struggles with the death of Ödön von Horváth, who was killed by a falling branch in the moment of his greatest success when he was deliriously happy. In dense and overflowing metaphors the film weaves absurd ideas and fantasies around the obsession with Horváth’s death.
Director's Biography
Jens Höffken arbeitete mehrere Jahre als Regieassistent. Studiert Bildende Kunst an der Kunstuni Linz. // Filme (Auswahl): EINE FRAU KAUFT BROT (2012), SUHRKAMP (2013), DIE BESCHAFFENHEIT EINES ASTES (2014)
Local Artists 2014
Jens Höffken
Austria 2014
8 minutes
OV with English subtitles