Der traumhafte Weg
The Dreamed Path
[…] a glorious existential sucker punch. Plot-wise, this wonderfully strange, narratively elliptical work from the Berlin School filmmaker moves between two worlds: a young couple’s holiday fling in Greece in 1984 that melts, unidentified, into the lives of an older couple who are separating in Berlin thirty years later. Shot with chilling formal rigor, Schanelec manages to express everything – heroin addiction, the death of a parent, extinct hopes, solitude – through an intense Bressonian framing of mostly hands, feet, and torsos. The film builds its own trance-like rhythm while cold-shouldering onscreen drama. (Annabel Brady-Brown, 4:3)
Director's Biography
Born in Aalen, Baden-Württemberg, in 1962, ANGELA SCHANELEC studied acting in Frankfurt am Main. She worked at several German playhouses before studying film directing at the DFFB – German Film and Television Academy Berlin. Schanelec has been an independent film author and director since 1995 and currently also works as a film lecturer. // Films (selection): Das Glück meiner Schwester (My Sister’s Good Fortune, 1995), Plätze in Städten (Places in Cities, 1998), Marseille (2004; CE’05), Nachmittag (Afternoon, 2007), Orly (2010), Der traumhafte Weg (The Dreamed Path, 2016)
European Panorama Fiction 2017
Angela Schanelec
Germany 2016
86 minutes
OV with English subtitles
Screenplay Angela Schanelec
Cinematography Reinhold Vorschneider
Editing Angela Schanelec, Maja Tennstedt
Sound/Sounddesign Rainer Gerlach, Matthias Lempert, Andreas Mücke-Niesytka
With Miriam Jakob, Thorbjörn Björnsson, Maren Eggert, Phil Hayes, Anaïa Zapp, Alan Williams, Miriam Horwitz, Benjamin Hassmann, Petra Trenkel, Michel Drobnik, Ben Carter, Caroline Garnell, Arthur Marioth, Leo Heim, Steffi Niederzoll, Esther Buss, Paula Knüpling, Helena Hentschel, Louis Schanelec, Nicolas Wackerbarth
Producer(s) Frieder Schlaich, Irene von Alberti (Filmgalerie 451, DE), WDR (DE), Arte (DE)
Filmgalerie 451 Saarbrücker Straße 24, Haus C 10405 Berlin Germany
Austrian Premiere
Weltpremiere / World Premiere Locarno International Film Festival 2016
Premierenstatus / Premiere
Austrian Premiere