De regels van het vliegen
The Rules Of Flying
Rule number one: you really have to want to do it. Where there’s a will, there’s a way. Rule number two: you have to have faith. Eleven-year-old Elin devotes herself to her gymnastic exercises with a will power that is both astonishing and tireless. Elin firmly believes that she can fly - at least as long as she sticks to her rules . . .
Director's Biography
EUGENIE JANSEN, geb. 1956 in Maastricht, studierte an der Dutch Film and Television Academy in Amsterdam. Koekoekskinderen (1991) war ihr Diplomfilm. Später arbeitete sie als Regieassistentin für mehrere Filmproduktionen und realisierte weitere Filme. Filme (Auswahl): Vogelvrij (1996, KF), Nonnevotte (1998, Dok), The Royal Wedding Tapes (2002, KF), Tussenland (Sleeping Rough, 2003), De Regels van het vliegen (The Rules of Flying, 2004, KF), Foreland (2005, Dok), Calimucho (2008; CE '09)
Tribute 2011
Eugenie Jansen
Netherlands 2003
10 minutes
OV with English subtitles
Screenplay Colleen Scheepers