Cum mi-am petrecut sfarsitul lumii
The Way I Spent the End of the World
When Eva‘s boyfriend Alex accidentally-on-purpose smashes a bust of Ceaușescu, she is kicked out of school and sent to a camp for kids who do not conform. Singled out and harassed by her new classmates, Eva responds with smiles and learns to enjoy her new heterogeneous environment. – The story is set in a poor district on the rural edges of Bucharest. Eva becomes close to Andrei, a neighbour whose parents are rumoured to have opposed the government, and together they forge the plan of swimming the Danube. At the same time Eva‘s marvellous little brother decides to murder the dictator on a national holiday. (Rik Vermeulen)
Panorama Special 2007
Catalin Mitulescu
Romania 2006
106 minutes
OV with English subtitles
Screenplay Catalin Mitulescu, Andreea Valean
Cinematography Marius Panduru
Editing Cristina Ionescu
Music Alexander Balanescu
With Doroteea Petre, Timotei Duma, Ionut Becheru, Christian Varary, Marius Stan, Marian Stoica
Strada Film Str. Dr. Joseph Lister No. 31 Sector 5 050541 Bukarest Rumänien T +40 21 410 17 39 F +40 21 410 17 39