
Cobain wanders alone through the streets in search of his mother. On the way he meets old acquaintances, staff from the child protection service and the methadone distribution centre. He is torn between the prospect of a new life in a foster family, a home and a sense of security, and his fears for his mother - who everyone else has abandoned. In his acting debut, Bas Keizer masterfully expresses the tenderness and anger, anxiety and longing felt by Cobain. Quietly radical, with desaturated colours underscored by sparse guitar riffs, Nanouk Leopold's film captivates the viewer in a tale of a modern hero who is forced to grow up much too young. (Berlinale)

Director's Biography
Nanouk Leopold
Born in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, in 1968, she studied at the Willem de Kooning Academy in Rotterdam and the Netherlands Film and Television Academy in Amsterdam. She worked as a director in Dutch television before her feature film debut “Îles flottantes”. The Crossing Europe Tribute 2011 was dedicated to her and Stienette Bosklopper. “Cobain” is her sixth feature film.

Film Selection: Cobain (2017) — Boven is het stil (It’s All So Quiet, 2013, CE’13) — Brownian Movement (2010, CE’11) — Wolfsbergen (2007, CE’11) — Guernsey (2005, CE’06, CE’11) — La grande guerre (2002, CE’11) — Îles flottantes (2000, CE’11) — Weekend (1998, short, CE’11)
European Panorama Fiction 2018
Nanouk Leopold
Netherlands / Belgium / Germany 2017
94 minutes
Dutch / English
OV with English subtitles
Screenplay Stienette Bosklopper
Cinematography Frank van den Eeden
Editing Katharina Wartena
Sound/Sounddesign Andreas Hildebrandt
Music Harry de Wit
With Bas Keizer, Naomi Velissariou, Wim Opbrouck, Dana Marineci, Cosmina Stratan
Producer(s) Stienette Bosklopper, Lisette Kelder
Circe Films, A Private View, Coin Film, Vpro Television, The Film Kitchen
Austrian Premiere
Rechte Österreich / Austrian Rights
W-film Distribution

Weltpremiere / World Premiere
Berlinale 2018

Premierenstatus / Premiere Status
Austrian Premiere

CROSSING EUROPE Award – Jugendjury / Youth Jury 2018
€ 1.000,- powered by CROSSING EUROPE