A young woman is walking the tightrope of family loyalties in a small circus on the verge of breakdown. The film was shot in an existing circus during its summer tour through Dutch camping grounds. Dicky has an ambivalent relationship with her brother-in-law Willy, the widower of Dicky’s late sister Jena. Dicky takes care of Willy’s little son Timo, and treats him as if he were her own son. When Willy’s parents suggest Timo should go to a boarding school to get a normal education, Dicky is very upset. She cannot understand why Willy doesn’t support her and why he thinks of sending his own son away. Dicky realizes that she must make a drastic choice. This is not the choice between the two men in her life, but between her love for little Timo, her loyalty to her family and the circus, and her own personal freedom.
Director's Biography
EUGENIE JANSEN, geb. 1965 in Maastricht. Sie studierte an der Dutch Film and Television Academy in Amsterdam. Arbeitete als Regieassistentin, ehe sie sich mit Dokumentarfilmen einen Namen machte. Ihr Spielfilmdebüt Tussenland wurde beim IFF Rotterdam mit einem Tiger Award ausgezeichnet. Calimucho ist ihr zweiter Spielfilm.
Filme (Auswahl): Vogelvrij (1996, KF), Nonnevotte (1998, Dok), The Royal Wedding Tapes, (2002, KF), Tussenland (Sleeping Rough, 2003), De Regels van het vliegen (The Rules of Flying, 2004) Foreland (2005, Dok), Calimucho (2008; CE 2009)
Filme (Auswahl): Vogelvrij (1996, KF), Nonnevotte (1998, Dok), The Royal Wedding Tapes, (2002, KF), Tussenland (Sleeping Rough, 2003), De Regels van het vliegen (The Rules of Flying, 2004) Foreland (2005, Dok), Calimucho (2008; CE 2009)
Tribute 2011
Eugenie Jansen
Netherlands 2008
93 minutes
OV with English subtitles
Screenplay Natasha Gerson, Rogier de Blok
Cinematography Adri Schrover
Editing Patrick Mincks
Sound/Sounddesign Alex Booy, Uwe Dresch
Music Ralf Huppertz, Manfred Huppertz, Joshy Huppertz
With Dicky Kilian, Willy Soeurt, Peter Verberk, Ellie Teeuw, Tarek Hannoudi, Freddy Kenton, Ralf, Manfred und Joshy Huppertz, Evelyne Bouglione, Timo Soeurt
Circe Films O.Z. Achterburgwal 77 1012 DC Amsterdam Niederlande T +31 20 6253 591 F +31 20 6250 025