B-Movie: Lust & Sound in West-Berlin
Music, art and chaos in the wild West-Berlin of the 1980’s: the walled-in city became the creative melting pot for sub- and pop-culture. Before the iron curtain fell, everything and anything seemed possible. B-Movie: Lust & Sound in West-Berlin is a fast-paced collage of mostly unreleased film and TV footage from a frenzied but creative decade, starting with punk and ending with the Love Parade, in a city where the days are short and the nights are endless. Where it was not about long-term success, but about living for the moment – the here and now. B-MOVIE: LUST & SOUND IN WEST-BERLIN premiered at the Berlin International Film Festival in 2015.
Director's Biography
Klaus Maeck, born in 1954, is a German film producer, music publisher, and the co-founder of Interzone Pictures.
// Films (selection): W. S. BURROUGHS: COMMISSIONER OF SEWERS (1991, doc), B-MOVIE: LUST & SOUND IN WEST-BERLIN (2015, doc). Jörg A. Hoppe has produced and developed numerous successful TV formats.
// Films (selection): B-MOVIE: LUST & SOUND IN WEST-BERLIN (2015, doc). Heiko Lange, born in 1976, is a director, writer, producer, and the co-founder of the production company “scenesfrom”.
// Films (selection): THE NOISE OF CAIRO (2011, doc), B-MOVIE: LUST & SOUND IN WEST-BERLIN (2015, doc)
// Films (selection): W. S. BURROUGHS: COMMISSIONER OF SEWERS (1991, doc), B-MOVIE: LUST & SOUND IN WEST-BERLIN (2015, doc). Jörg A. Hoppe has produced and developed numerous successful TV formats.
// Films (selection): B-MOVIE: LUST & SOUND IN WEST-BERLIN (2015, doc). Heiko Lange, born in 1976, is a director, writer, producer, and the co-founder of the production company “scenesfrom”.
// Films (selection): THE NOISE OF CAIRO (2011, doc), B-MOVIE: LUST & SOUND IN WEST-BERLIN (2015, doc)
European Panorama 2015
Jörg A. Hoppe, Klaus Maeck, Heiko Lange
Germany 2015
color & black and white
92 minutes
OV with English subtitles
Screenplay Jörg. A Hoppe, Klaus Maeck, Holger Lange
Cinematography Till Vielrose
Editing Alexander von Sturmfeder
Sound/Sounddesign Elias Struck, Ireneus Szumlanski
Music Mark Reeder, Michael Adam
With Mark Reeder, Blixa Bargeld, Gudrun Gut, Nick Cave, Annette Humpe
Producer(s) Jörg. A Hoppe, Christoph Post (DEF Media) <br><b>KoproduzentInnen / Co-Producers</b> Klaus Maeck (Interzone Pictures), Heiko Lange, Alexander von Sturmfeder (scenes from) <br><b>Koproduktion / Co-Production</b> Interzone Pictures (DE), scenes from (DE)
DEF Media Potsdamer Straße 81/83 10785 Berlin Germany T +49 30 233 21 11 0 F +49 30 233 21 11 11 kontakt@def-media.com www.def-media.com