Antier noche

Nights Gone By

Juan Francisco is twelve years old and lives in a village in southern Spain, surrounded by ancient oak trees and solar panels. Through hunting with greyhounds, he discovers the close relationship between humans and animals. Santi and Antonio are part of a youthful modernity that coexists with the oldest of traditions. Pepa is a young mother who works as a seasonal worker. The choral portrait of this youth reveals a land of hares and donkeys, love stories, fires and rave parties. (San Sebastian International Film Festival)

Director's Filmography (Selection)
Antier noche (Nights Gone By, 2023, doc) - Mi amado, las montañas (2017, short) - Pata negra (Black Paw, 2015, doc short)
Competition Documentary 2024
Alberto Martín Menacho
Switzerland / Spain 2023
106 minutes
OV with English subtitles
Screenplay Alberto Martín Menacho
Cinematography Sara Gallego, Sergio Garot
Editing Alberto Martín Menacho
Sound/Sounddesign Luis Cotallo, Adrien Kessler
Music Carreño
With Juan Francisco Cambero Domínguez, Pepa Gracia, Antonio Acosta Narciso, Alba Domingo Martínez
Producer(s) David Fonjallaz, Louis Mataré, Pedro Collantes de Terán
Lomotion, Esia Studio, SRF Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen, Canal Extremadura
Austrian Premiere
World Premiere
Visions du Réel 2023