Actionfilm - Willi Landl & Michael Hornek
Showdown as a song: Punches, tentacles and other intrigues can’t stop her. With courage, skill and a little luck, the heroine destroys all villains and goes down in history.
Director's Biography
Julia Pia Huemer (*1990, Grieskirchen, Upper Austria) studies, works and lives as a filmmaker and editor in Vienna. Director's Filmography (Selection)
Actionfilm - Willi Landl & Michael Hornek (2021) - Dazwischen (2020; CE'20) - Pan de muerto (2019) - Waldgeist (2019) - Böses Mädchen (2018)
Actionfilm - Willi Landl & Michael Hornek (2021) - Dazwischen (2020; CE'20) - Pan de muerto (2019) - Waldgeist (2019) - Böses Mädchen (2018)
Local Artists 2022
Julia Pia Huemer
Austria 2021
4 minutes
Music Video
Screenplay Julia Pia Huemer
Cinematography Anna-Sophia Russmann, Kilian Immervoll
Editing Julia Pia Huemer
Music Willi Landl & Michael Hornek
With Fabia Matuschek
Producer(s) Julia Pia Huemer