< common.places 2 >

In < common.places 2 > 29 persons talk about the “normal” everyday harassment they experience. It becomes obvious that the patriarchy and its power structures have extended their realm, from the private and the public to the virtual sphere, with attacks conducted casually from the couch every day not just against women*. < common.places 2 > leaves behind a feeling of discomfort, but at the same time the strategies with common.places are manifold and encouraging: solidarity, irritation, joint action instead of individual reaction. Courage and insubordination become tangible through common efforts, and it becomes visible that nobody is alone in this. (Harriet Leischko)

Director's Biography
Fiona Rukschcio
Born in Vienna in 1972, Fiona Rukschcio is a visual artist who lives and works in Vienna. In her films, collages and projects, Rukschcio deals with the roles assigned to women, with identity construction, and with extreme emotional experiences. “< common. places 2 >” was co-supported by Frauenbüro der Stadt Linz. 

Films Selection: < common.places 2 > (2018, doc) — tanzendes Brusthaar (dancing chesthair, 2014, short) — Ein Prozess. Das Protokoll (A trial. The record, 2003/2014, short) — retaped Rape (2012) — Collecting life: Die Kaskaden des Dr P. (2012, short) — I would be delighted to talk Suffrage (2005, short) — #1:(common.places) (2000, doc short) 
2018: CROSSING EUROPE Award – Local Artist
Local Artists 2018
Fiona Rukschcio
Austria 2018
74 minutes
OV with English subtitles
Screenplay Fiona Rukschcio
Cinematography Fiona Rukschcio
Editing Fiona Rukschcio
Music Elke Bitter
Producer(s) Fiona Rukschcio
World Premiere
Weltpremiere / World Premiere
Crossing Europe 2018

Premierenstatus / Premiere Status
World Premiere

CROSSING EUROPE Award - Local Artist 2018
€ 2.000,- Gutschein / Voucher The Grand Post - Audio & Picture Post Production