The Sound of Insects - Record of a Mummy
Liechti's film tells the incredible story of how the mummified corpse of a 40-year-old man was discovered by a hunter in one of the most remote parts of the country. The dead man's detailed notes reveal that he actually committed suicide through self-imposed starvation only the summer before. A stunning rapprochement of a fictional text, which itself is based upon a true event: a cinematic manifesto for life, challenged by the main character's radical renunciation of life itself. (SWISS FILMS)
Director's Filmography (Selection)
The Sound of Insects - Record of a Mummy (2009) - Vaters Garten - Die Liebe meiner Eltern (2013, doc) - Namibia Crossings (2004) - Marthas Garten (1997) - Signers Koffer (1996, doc) - Grimsel (1990, mid-length doc) - Sommerhügel - Inszenierung der appenzellischen Landschaft in zehn Akten (1984, mid-length)
The Sound of Insects - Record of a Mummy (2009) - Vaters Garten - Die Liebe meiner Eltern (2013, doc) - Namibia Crossings (2004) - Marthas Garten (1997) - Signers Koffer (1996, doc) - Grimsel (1990, mid-length doc) - Sommerhügel - Inszenierung der appenzellischen Landschaft in zehn Akten (1984, mid-length)
European Panorama Fiction · Special 2024
Peter Liechti
Switzerland 2009
color & black and white
88 minutes
German / English German Version / English Version
Screenplay Peter Liechti
Cinematography Peter Liechti, Matthias Kälin
Editing Tania Stöcklin
Sound/Sounddesign Christian Beusch
Music Norbert Möslang, Christoph Homberger
Producer(s) Peter Liechti, Urs Augstburger
Liechti Filmproduktion
World Premiere
International Film Festival Rotterdam 2009