Replay - Kindheit in der Sandkiste
REPLAY – KINDHEIT IN DER SANDKISTE (Childhood in the Sandbox) is an animated short documentary. It involves childhood memories, personal experiences and adventures while playing. Based on five interviews, the memories of the protagonists are visualized through a style mix of digital and analog animation techniques.
Director's Biography
Markus Berger, geb. 1982 in Haag a. H., und Evelyn Rendl, geb. 1984 in Vöcklabruck, studierten beide Digital Arts an der FH Hagenberg. // Gemeinsame Filme: REPLAY – KINDHEIT IN DER SANDKISTE (2013)
Local Artists 2014
Markus Berger, Evelyn Rendl
Austria 2013
6 minutes
OV with English subtitles