Im Alter von Ellen
At Ellen's Age
Ellen must come to face some new turns in life. Although her job as a flight attendant keeps her rotating around the globe, she finds her private life has become a placebo, lending the sensation of security she needs so badly. As everything that has given her life the necessary security falls apart, 40-year-old Ellen sets out to seek a new purpose and a place to belong. In doing so she becomes a tourist in the lives of the people and groups she encounters, leading her towards a surprising catharsis.
Director's Biography
Pia Marais, geboren 1971 in Johannesburg, Südafrika. Studierte Bildhauerei und Fotografie an Akademien in London, Amsterdam und Düsseldorf. Regiestudium an der DFFB in Berlin. Arbeitete als Castingdirektorin, Regieassistenz und Autorin bevor sie ihr Spielfilmdebüt Die Unerzogenen realisierte. Auf dem 63. Internationalen Filmfestival Locarno feierte Im Alter von Ellen seine Weltpremiere.
Filme: Loop (1996, KF), Deranged (1998, KF), Tricky People (1999, KF), 17 (2003, KF), Die Unerzogenen (The Unpolished, 2007, CE Award European Competition 2007), Im Alter von Ellen (At Ellen’s Age, 2010), Layla Fourie (in Arbeit)
Filme: Loop (1996, KF), Deranged (1998, KF), Tricky People (1999, KF), 17 (2003, KF), Die Unerzogenen (The Unpolished, 2007, CE Award European Competition 2007), Im Alter von Ellen (At Ellen’s Age, 2010), Layla Fourie (in Arbeit)
2011: CROSSING EUROPE Award - Best Fiction Film
Play It Again 2013
Pia Marais
Germany 2010
95 minutes
OV with English subtitles
Screenplay Horst Markgraf, Pia Marais
Cinematography Hélène Louvart
Editing Mona Bräuer
Sound/Sounddesign Andreas Hildebrandt, Bruno Tarrière
Music Horst Markgraf, Yoyo Röhm
With Jeanne Balibar, Stefan Stern, Georg Friedrich, Julia Hummer, Alexander Scheer, Eva Löbau, Clare Mortimer, Ian Roberts, Jasna Bauer, Patrick Bartsch
Pandora Film Produktion Balthasarstraße 79-81 50670 Köln Deutschland T +49 221 97 33 20 F +49 221 97 33 29