
Babou seems to be able to shrug off anything. Real jobs, husbands, responsibilities, who needs them? But when she finds out that her own daughter is too ashamed of her to invite her to her wedding, she decides to make some changes. She takes a job selling time-share flats at the Belgian seaside during the off-season, and, even to her own surprise, becomes the model employee. Eventually Babou once again gets in the way of her success, and she must find a way to get a wedding gift worthy of her daughter yet true to her one-of-a-kind self.

Director's Biography
MARC FITOUSSI, geb. 1974 in Paris. Absolvierte eine Ausbildung als Drehbuchautor am Europäischen Konservatorium für Audiovisuelles Schreiben in Paris. Wirkte an den Drehbüchern und der Regie zahlreicher Kurzfilme mit. Sein zweiter Spielfilm Copacabana gewann in Cannes bei der Semaine Internationale de la Critique.

Filme (Auswahl): Ma Vie active (gem. mit Elsa Barrere, Frédéric Gélard, 1999, KF), Sachez Chasser (gem. mit Elsa Barrere, 2002, KF), Illustre inconnue (2004, KF), Bonbon au poivre (2005, KF), L‘éducation anglaise (2006, Dok), La Vie d‘artiste (2007), Copacabana (2010)
European Panorama Fiction 2011
Marc Fitoussi
France 2010
105 minutes
OV with English subtitles
Screenplay Marc Fitoussi
Cinematography Hélène Louvart
Editing Martine Giordano
Sound/Sounddesign Olivier Le Vacon
Music Tim Gane, Sean O’Hagan
With Isabelle Huppert, Lolita Chammah, Aure Atika, Jurgen Delnaet, Chantal Banlier, Magali Woch, Nelly Antignac, Guillaume Gouix, Joachim Lombard, Noémie Lvovsky, Luis Rego, François Comard
Avenue B Productions 7 rue Geoffroy Marie 75009 Paris Frankreich T +33 1 4800 0235 F +33 1 4800 0380